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  • oracpteo

Supply Chain Analytics: Lean Resilience in the New Normal

Updated: Jan 5, 2022

Talk given at 4th International Workshop on Internet Plus M&SOM 2021

The year 2020 has had unprecedented challenges. Covid-19 threatens to wipe out the result of years of hard work put into supply chain planning. This pandemic has taught us a hard lesson: keeping our supply chain safe is as important as keeping it lean. The new normal is disruptive, demand will remain highly volatile, and the supply chain partner landscape will be shifting constantly.

The new supply chain to tackle this will be digital-driven, with the ability to resist disruptions as well as recover from the operational anomalies that the disruptions generate. However, a supply chain that is too resilient leads to prohibitive cost levels, while one that is too lean adds a high level of vulnerability. Companies must therefore strive for “lean resilience”, leveraging on improved supply chain visibility to reap value from digitization.

In this talk, we discuss the operational benefits that companies can derive from improved supply chain visibility, and develop methods and solutions in the pursuit of lean resilience. The discussion will be organized around data and cases from various industries, focusing on the following two problems in supply chain analytics:

1) Sensing Demand Signals Early

2) Predicting ETAs/Job Completion Times

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